George Barrett, a Tennessee lawyer who long fought for civil rights, died on Tuesday, August 26, at the age of 86. “The Citizen” as he often called himself, defended student demonstrators in the 1960’s fighting for integration, and decades later, led the defense working for clemency for Tennessee death row inmate, Gaile Owens. She ultimately was granted clemency and paroled in 2011.
George was always willing to share his insights, experience, and wit with us at TADP, and we are grateful for his legacy and his outspoken opposition to the death penalty.
With the recent death of John Seigenthaler and now George Barrett, we recognize the profound loss felt by our state as well as the contributions that these men made in creating a more more just and equitable place for us to live. As we mourn, we also can be inspired to take up the mantle and continue the work before us.
Tennessee stands on the precipice of 11 executions, an unprecedented number. We all “the Citizens” of this great state must act now to keep these executions from happening. If you haven’t already, please sign the open letter to Governor Haslam, asking him to stop these executions in order for a review of this state’s flawed death penalty system, as outlined by the Tennessee Committee to Study the Administration of the Death Penalty, can be conducted.
Read more about George Barrett in the Tennessean.
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