Spread the Word: Set Up a TADP Table!
If you are interested in representing TADP at an event, here are the steps to making the perfect table:
Step One- Represent
Contact TADP (email stacy@tennesseedeathpenalty.org). We will be able to give you the materials and sign-up sheets you need for your table and help identify table locations. In certain situations, we may be able to assist with event fees.
Step Two- Where to Table?
The opportunities for tabling are endless. You can table at universities, conferences, concerts, festivals, church events, fairs, farmers’ markets and all kinds of other events. Be sure to get permission!
Step Three- Prepare Before You’re There
When you are arranging permission to table at the venue, make sure to find out what supplies they do and do not offer. For example, do you need to bring your own table?
Make sure to arrive early- an hour before the event begins. That way you have time to make your table beautiful before the public sees it.
Step Four- Work Your Table!
The best thing you can do when you are tabling is get sign-ups. Before you leave the venue, be sure the thank the venue owner, manager, and staff members and anyone with whom you dealt. Hand everyone a leaflet or business card.
Step Five- Afterwards
Celebrate! Do not forget to give your sign-up sheets and left-over materials to TADP.