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New Study: Death Penalty Cases in Colorado Take Six Times Longer

A new cost study that was recently published in the University of Denver Criminal Law Review examined the amount of time involved from the initial charge of a defendant to final sentencing in a death penalty prosecution as compared to a life-without-parole (LWOP) prosecution in Colorado. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, researchers found that capital proceedings require six times more days in court and take much longer to resolve than LWOP cases.

The authors of the study also found no evidence that the death penalty has a deterrent effect and concluded, as other states have, that “Colorado’s death penalty imposes tremendous costs on taxpayers and its benefits are, at best, speculative, and more likely, illusory.”

Image via Flickr

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be very dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

A Call for Death Penalty Repeal at the March on Washington

Among the many great speakers at yesterday’s 50th anniversary of the March on Washington was Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. After championing Senate Bill 276 to abolish the death penalty, O’Malley signed the bill into law in May, making Maryland the 18th state without the death penalty and the sixth in six years to repeal. In his brief speech at the Lincoln Memorial, O’Malley addressed the work that is still before us. We are proud that he put a spotlight on death penalty repeal as part of his call to action:

“And so the responsibility we consecrate today is not rooted in nostalgia or memory, it is rooted in something far deeper,” said O’Malley. “It is rooted in the calling of conscience to action, …action that abolishes the death penalty and improves public safety in every neighborhood regardless of income or color.”

You can watch the video of his speech here.

(Photo of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley at 50th Anniversary of March on Washington, Getty Images via The Baltimore Sun)

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual appeal among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong health problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying heartiness conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

Recent Articles Highlight the Need for Repeal in Tennessee

The numerous flaws of the death penalty were featured in two great articles* that appeared in Memphis’ The Commercial Appeal this past weekend. It’s quite appropriate to have a paper in Western Tennessee highlight our flawed capital punishment system given that over a third of all death sentences in our state come from Shelby County. The recent release of former death row inmates Ndume Olatushani and Timothy McKinney as well as the new trial ordered for Michael Rimmer, all cases out of Shelby County, give further rise to the need for repeal.

Peter Nuefeld, co-director of the Innocence Project, argued in his guest column that while scientific advancements have been critical in getting at the truth in capital cases, they are not enough. After all, of the 142 individuals who have been exonerated from death row in this country, only 18 had DNA evidence in their cases. False confessions, eyewitness misidentification, ineffective defense counsel, jailhouse snitches and police and prosecutorial misconduct can and do lead to wrongful convictions. While reforms could certainly help to reduce mistakes, our system will always have some degree of fallibility, and therefore, the risk of executing the innocent will always exist until we end the death penalty.

In addition to the real risk of innocent people being put to death, this article addresses the enormous cost of maintaining the death penalty as well as its arbitrary application. Also discussed is the progress that has been made in recent years. In addition to a reduction in death sentences, as the public learns more about the problematic system, support for the death penalty has decreased, resulting in six states repealing their death penalty in the last six years with other states likely to repeal in the near future. Fortunately, the death penalty is no longer a partisan issue. People of all political stripes are realizing that there are smarter ways to respond to crime and are speaking out against the death penalty. At TADP, our work continues to educate more citizens so that they too will join this growing movement toward repeal.

Photo via The Guardian

*you must subscribe to The Commercial Appeal to access the articles. If you are not able to view them, here is the text of each:

Guest column: DNA exonerations hold many lessons

By Peter Neufeld, Special to The Commercial Appeal

Sunday, August 18, 2013

In February 1986, Luttrell, Tenn., native Paul House was sentenced to death for the murder of his neighbor, Carolyn Muncey, who had been raped and beaten to death the previous summer. The evidence against House seemed solid. A forensic expert testified at trial that a pair of jeans collected from House had blood that matched Muncey’s blood type on them; a second forensic expert testified that House’s blood type matched the semen found on Muncey’s undergarment.

After he had served more than two decades on Tennessee’s death row, House’s first-degree murder conviction was vacated and the indictment dismissed in 2009 based on DNA testing and other new evidence of innocence. It turns out that unsealed vials of the victim’s blood likely spilled onto House’s pants while both items of evidence were in transit to the FBI lab where they were later tested. DNA testing later revealed that the semen, said to have matched House’s blood type, came from the victim’s husband. Additional DNA testing on a hair recovered from the scene and material under the victim’s fingernails pointed to other perpetrators.

Since 1989, 311 people have been exonerated by DNA evidence. Eighteen of these individuals served time on death row — many, like House, coming perilously close to their execution dates. These DNA exonerations have taught us that the system is deeply flawed and that the appeals process does not provide adequate protections to detect errors.

Unfortunately, DNA testing is not a panacea for the inadequacies of the criminal justice system. Biological evidence that can be submitted for DNA testing is available in less than 5 percent of the cases that involve serious felonies. In other words, DNA just isn’t available in most capital cases and their prosecutions depend on much less reliable evidence. An individual’s life can hinge on a questionable identification, the testimony of one jailhouse informant, an inadvertent contamination or the work of an overburdened practitioner who is relying on a forensic practice that has never been scientifically validated.

Individual opinions can — and will — differ as to whether capital punishment is a morally appropriate punishment for the most heinous of crimes or an immoral license for state-sanctioned killing. We can all agree, however, that because death is an irreversible punishment, all necessary resources must be provided to ensure that every aspect of the capital punishment system — investigation, defense, prosecution, trial, appeal and post-conviction — produces as fair and accurate a result as possible.

In July, the FBI and the Department of Justice agreed to review more than 2,000 criminal cases in which FBI lab examiners had declared microscopic matches between crime-scene hairs and those of the accused. This unprecedented review of past cases has already uncovered as many as 27 death penalty convictions where, just as in the case of Paul House, FBI forensic experts may have mistakenly linked defendants to crimes with exaggerated and unscientific claims about the significance of the data. Of the 311 DNA exonerations, 72 involved erroneous hair analysis. While it’s too early to know how many capital prosecutions were affected by faulty hair analysis or testimony, the government’s willingness to take on this review marks a giant step forward in ensuring scientific validation and accountability for what passes as forensic science.

But the nation has barely begun to heed the lessons learned from the DNA exonerations. Eyewitness misidentifications played a role in nearly 75 percent of the DNA exonerations, yet most states, including Tennessee, have failed to pass proven reforms that would help prevent misidentifications. Similarly, false confessions, which have played a role in 50 percent of the DNA exonerations, can be sharply curtailed by requiring police to videotape interrogations in full. Yet most states, including Tennessee, still don’t require police to do so, even in an era when video surveillance dominates so much of our daily lives. We must also address inadequacies in resources for defense lawyers and provide more rigorous oversight of police, prosecutors and defense lawyers.

While the United States has a strong judicial infrastructure, wrongful convictions and forensic errors continue to serve as sober reminders of the fallibility of the criminal justice system. We must work to recognize and reform the various systemic weaknesses that can cause wrongful conviction —and therefore, wrongful executions. Only after we have implemented those reforms and recognized the remaining threat of wrongful conviction presented by systemic and human error can we fairly assess whether a capital punishment system should continue to exist in our country.

How long will the death penalty survive?

By Janell Ross, The Root

Sunday, August 18, 2013

DNA science helps state-by-state fight for abolition

On May 7, officials at the Mississippi State Penitentiary planned to strap Willie Jerome Manning to a gurney and pump a lethal cocktail of drugs into his veins at precisely 7 p.m.

But just five hours before he was set to die, the state’s Supreme Court halted Manning’s execution. Attorneys for the U.S. Justice Department had found that a piece of forensic evidence offered against Manning — by an FBI expert who testified with certainty that a hair found in a murder victim’s car belonged to Manning — was “invalid,” throwing the convicted man’s guilt into doubt.

With that new information and after a series of hearings, the Mississippi Supreme Court in late July gave Manning’s attorneys 60 days to file a brief in Oktibbeha County Circuit Court supporting their request for DNA testing and fingerprint analysis of the evidence in his case.

Manning’s case has attracted national attention and the assistance of legal heavyweights Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, co-founders of the New York-based nonprofit organization the Innocence Project. In some ways, what has happened to Manning, who was convicted of the 1992 murders of two Mississippi State University students, is emblematic of American justice and the state of its most severe and irrevocable penalty: capital punishment. And the reason, advocates of abolishing the death penalty

say, is increasing cultural awareness of DNA science and expectations that it can be used to reach certain, not just likely, conclusions about guilt.

Twenty years after the first death-row prisoner was exonerated because of that science, many states have moved beyond questions about the quality and quantity of lawyers in death-penalty cases or how frequently these sentences are handed down when defendants of color are accused of killing white victims. Those issues made headlines in the late 1980s and 1990s. Today, death-penalty opponents are forcing debates about actual innocence and pushing for an end to capital punishment state by state.

“I think, unfortunately, there was a point not so long ago where even in some of the most liberal, progressive, even activist circles, doing away … with the death penalty was just another lost lefty cause,” said Diann Rust-Tierney, executive director of the Washington-based National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. “But there’s no question, no question at all in my mind, that 20 years after the first condemned man that science proved to be innocent walked out of jail, there’s a new kind of momentum. We’ve truly turned some kind of corner.”

Indeed, according to the Innocence Project, 18 people have been exonerated after DNA tests showed that they did not commit the crimes for which they were sentenced to death. A new chorus of voices has joined the usual human rights collective that has long wanted to rid the country of capital punishment. Six states have eliminated capital punishment in the last six years, and at least two others are expected to follow in the near future, death-penalty opponents say.

Inside the NAACP — the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization — organizers are beginning to speak quietly but openly about a state-by-state movement to abolish the death penalty that includes a national endgame. There’s even talk of eventually bringing a case to the U.S. Supreme Court that asks the justices to eliminate capital punishment nationwide.

The number of people receiving death sentences is declining, Rust-Tierney said. Legislation to reform or repeal the death penalty is now regularly introduced in states across the country. Perhaps most significantly, longtime death-penalty opponents have been joined in the trenches by civil rights activists and those with the political experience and social standing to raise real questions about inequality in the criminal justice system.

“The death penalty really is becoming increasingly marginalized,” Rust-Tierney said, “and with good reason.”

Since 2000, death-penalty sentences handed down by state courts and juries have declined nearly 75 percent, and the number of executions has been cut in half, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that opposes capital punishment.

One explanation for the change: Crime itself has declined, said Dieter. Another is that the nation’s increasingly cash-strapped states have looked at the cost of the death penalty and the multiple appeals and hearings that almost always follow, he said. Longtime death-penalty opponents wish, Dieter said, that arguments about the uneven nature of death-penalty sentences had made the difference.

“It’s a combination of a lot of things,” Dieter said. “But if I had to point to one thing, it’s innocence, the possibility of actual innocence. DNA testing has revealed to the public that in so many cases where people thought the right person was on death row, (it) turned out to be wrong. DNA has produced some growing awareness of the irrevocable and fallible nature of the death penalty.”

It’s the so-called “CSI” effect. Juries want proof. And even in states such as Texas — the longtime national leader in executions — beginning this year, prosecutors will be required to ensure that any evidence that can be tested for DNA material undergoes that process before a jury is asked to impose the death penalty. And all of the 32 states that maintain the death penalty also now give juries the option of sentencing defendants to life without the possibility of parole.

In 2012 and 2013, legislatures in Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware and Colorado considered repealing the death penalty. Only the Connecticut and Maryland measures became law. But Colorado’s governor did institute a moratorium on executions.

Longtime death-penalty opponents say that the increasing involvement of new voices in the movement to abolish capital punishment has also played a significant role in the slow state-by-state death of capital punishment. One of those new voices: the NAACP.

“Look at Maryland,” said Jane Henderson, executive director of Maryland Citizens Against State Executions. “I think the governor wanted to do away with the death penalty for some time, and most of the votes have been there in the Legislature for a while. We’ve certainly been here working on it. But when the NAACP came in and really pressed the issue, I think it gave some people the political cover they needed.”

Still, change happens slowly. In Maryland, Kirk Bloodsworth, a white ex-Marine, became the nation’s first exonerated death-row inmate in 1993 after DNA testing proved that he was not guilty of the 1984 rape and murder of a 9-year-old girl. But it wasn’t until March of this year that Maryland abolished the death penalty.

Although public support for the death penalty hit a 39-year low in 2011, it ticked up slightly this year. About 63 percent of the respondents in a nationwide Gallup poll in January said they supported the death penalty as a potential penalty for murder.

Activists know that they still have an uphill fight. There are just over 3,100 people who have been sentenced to death in the nation’s prisons. Although blacks make up just 13 percent of the nation’s population, African-American inmates make up 41 percent of those living on death row and 35 percent of those executed since the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of capital punishment in 1976.

Just over 80 percent of the nation’s executions last year occurred in Southern states, which still support the death penalty in strong numbers.

“I think we want to aggressively champion equality and challenge injustice whenever and wherever we can,” said Niaz Kasravi, the NAACP’s criminal justice director. “That sounds lofty and certainly is a tremendous task, but I think there’s no question that the racial inequalities we have seen in who is sentenced to death; the errors that we know have happened or almost happened; and the aggressive way that policing (and) the broader criminal justice system are distorting communities of color across this country have given us a very clear sense of mission here.”

NAACP officials could not help but note the crowds — including thousands of young people — mobilized in the run-up to Troy Davis’ 2011 execution in Georgia, Kasravi said.

Davis, an African-American man convicted in the 1989 murder of an off-duty police officer, became a sort of national cause. Seven of the nine witnesses who initially offered damaging testimony against him recanted significant portions of their testimony. More than 1 million people signed a petition calling on Georgia to reconsider his death sentence.

The Supreme Court ordered a lower court to reconsider evidence in the case that strongly suggested Davis’ innocence, and a former U.S. president — even the pope — asked Georgia to commute Davis’ sentence. In September 2011, Georgia executed Davis. In his final statement, he maintained his innocence.

Ben Jealous, a longtime civil rights activist and organizer, took the helm at the NAACP after serving as director of Amnesty International’s U.S. Human Rights Program, where he focused on death-penalty issues, prisoner rights and racial profiling, and juvenile justice matters. So adding the death penalty to the NAACP’s list of national priorities wasn’t exactly a stretch, Kasravi said.

If and when the state-by-state battle that death-penalty opponents are waging now causes the death penalty to be abolished in a simple majority of states — 26 — the NAACP is prepared to mount a constitutional challenge on the grounds that the death penalty amounts to cruel and unusual punishment in the states where it remains. The Supreme Court barred states from executing the mentally disabled in 2002 and juveniles in 2005 on the same grounds.

“Abolishing the death penalty really isn’t a far-fetched idea,” Kasravi said. “At this point, I’d say it’s within sight.”

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Kentucky Moves Closer to Repeal

In the near future, our neighbors to the north could join the 18 other states that have repealed the death penalty. The Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is working hard to educate their state on the enormous cost, unfairness, and risk of executing innocent people that is inherent in their death penalty system. Repeal legislation will be sponsored in Kentucky’s General Assembly next year and advocates are hopeful that a bill to end capital punishment will pass in 2015.

Witness to Innocence President and former death row inmate Randy Steidl is working with repeal supporters to make that happen. This month he’s traveling around the state and sharing his story with communities of faith, civic organizations, state lawmakers, and even fair-goers. “You can release a man from prison, but you can’t release him from the grave,” says Steidl, who was exonerated in 2004 after nearly 18 years of incarceration- 12 on death row, when an investigation revealed that police and prosecutorial misconduct led to his wrongful conviction.

Although Steidl was convicted in Illinois, finding errors in a capital case is not an unusual story in Kentucky. Of the 78 people that have been sentenced to death in the state since 1976, 50 have had their death sentence overturned- an error rate of more than 60 percent! A 2011 report by the American Bar Association that was compiled after a two-year review revealed “serious issues related to fairness and accuracy in the imposition of death sentences” in Kentucky and called for a temporary suspension of executions until those were addressed. A similar review was conducted in Tennessee in 2007 and found that out of 93 guidelines for a fair and accurate system, our state fully complied with only seven.

As more people learn about just how broken the system is, the momentum for repeal continues to grow. Six states in six years have ended the death penalty. Hopefully Kentucky can soon join that group, with many more to follow.

Photo of Randy Steidl via Floyd County Times

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Florida Executes Man with Severe Mental Illness

The blog below was written last Thursday. Update: The U.S. Supreme Court refused to issue a stay and the state of Florida executed John Ferguson last night, Monday, Aug. 5 at 6:17 p.m. ET. You can read the statement issued by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on the execution here.  Andrew Cohen also wrote this opinion editorial in The Atlantic which highlights the inconsistencies of the Supreme Court.

Florida death row inmate John Ferguson is scheduled to be executed on August 5th despite a long history of severe mental illness. Ronald Honberg, the National Director for Policy and Legal Affairs for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), writes in his article for The Huffington Post that Ferguson’s execution would offend the Constitution and that his case represents failures of our mental health system.

“John Ferguson thinks he is the ‘Prince of God.’  He has thought so for decades. Mr. Ferguson believes that he can’t be killed and his body will not remain in a grave. Rather, he will assume his seat at the right hand of God, come back to life, and save America from a communist plot.

John Ferguson suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. In the terminology of the Supreme Court, he is ‘insane.'”

Ferguson, 65, has been on death row for 35 years, convicted of multiple murders committed shortly after his release from psychiatric institutional care despite warnings from his doctors of his extremely dangerous and homicidal state.

Seven different Florida psychiatrists have found Ferguson to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, delusions, and hallucinations. By setting his execution despite these findings, Florida is contradicting the 2007 Supreme Court ruling that prohibits executions of “a person who is insane and lacks a rational understanding of why he is being put to death and the effect of the death penalty.” Florida deemed Ferguson competent for execution on the basis that he is “factually aware of his impending execution.” As Honberg notes in his article, Florida has used an incorrect standard in this case because Ferguson still does not rationally understand the reasons for his execution or its effect. The Florida Supreme Court is, thus, not upholding the U.S. Supreme Court precedent if it applies an incorrect legal standard for competency.

Honberg also points to broader concerns arising from this case. “Mr. Ferguson’s case is proof positive of the failings of our mental health system, and if the State of Florida has its way, his execution will chillingly demonstrate the fatal injustices that people with mental illness face in our court system.”

It is now up to the Supreme Court to review the petition filed by Ferguson’s attorneys, review the case, and hopefully intervene.

Florida is not the only state where individuals with severe and persistent mental illness face execution. Tennessee also has sentenced individuals to death who suffer from severe and persistent mental illness. In fact, 60 Minutes on CBS first featured a story in 2007 on Gregory Thompson, an inmate on Tennessee’s death row, who must be medicated in order to be competent enough to execute.

Just two years ago, NAMI TN advocated for legislation in Tennessee that would exclude individuals with severe and persistent mental illness from the death penalty, making life without the possibility for parole the maximum punishment available. Though NAMI generated bi-partisan support, the bill never got out of committee. Given that pursuing the death penalty is far more expensive than the alternatives, perhaps states would be better served to eliminate the death penalty, particularly for these very ill individuals, and use the savings to ensure those with severe mental illness have access to the treatment that they need for as long as they need it to prevent such tragedies from happening in the first place.

Photo of FL death chamber via

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FBI Investigates Potentially Flawed Scientific Conclusions in 27 Death Penalty Cases

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has uncovered 27 death penalty cases in which experts at the FBI could have wrongfully linked defendants to crimes. The reviews are being launched with the concern that forensic experts may have exaggerated scientific conclusions and testimonies that led to convictions. The 27 cases were uncovered from an ongoing review launched last year of over 21,000 cases involving forensic evidence. It is too early to know if any of the cases resulted in wrongful convictions or if any are linked to death penalty sentences that have already been carried out, although the FBI has stated that they are interested in disclosing problems in any selected cases, even if the defendant has been executed.

The review has already led to a stay of execution for Willie Manning in Mississippi. An FBI agent at Manning’s trial testified that a hair found at the crime scene belonged to Manning, but the FBI later stated that the conclusion “exceeded the limits of science.” Hair evidence is of particular concern in the 27 cases. FBI lab reports have stated for decades that hair association cannot lead to positive identifications, but agents have still given testimony that different hairs have been a near certain match, even stating that hairs matched “to the exclusion of all others.”

The FBI is consulting with the Innocence Project, the Department of Justice, and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers on the cases and plans to notify prosecution and defense if any mistakes are uncovered. There is hope that this review will encourage state and local labs to undergo similar reviews. Any significant findings could also lead to a renewed debate on the risk of the U.S. executing innocent people.

FBI logo via

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Arkansas Attorney General Says Death Penalty is Broken, Urges Change

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel stated last week that he believes “our death penalty system, as it currently exists, is completely broken.” Speaking at the Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association summer convention, he said “I don’t think we are telling jurors the truth when we lead them to believe that they are sentencing someone to death when we really don’t have a viable system with which to execute someone.”

McDaniel, who supports the death penalty, said that the system has changed even since he took office in 2007. Arkansas’ most recent execution was in 2005, and while seven of the state’s 38 death row inmates have exhausted their appeals, none of them have execution dates set. The Attorney General laid out two reasons for the delay in the state’s use of capital punishment. The first is that the civil litigations brought against the state on aspects of the execution process have become very lengthy, further tying up the process even beyond appeals. Secondly, he states that “the drugs needed for lethal injection are simply not available for purchase by state prisons anymore,” as most of these drugs come from manufacturers in Europe, which has no death penalty, who don’t want the drugs used for executions. Some states still have stockpiles of the drugs but will no longer sell them to other states because of their limited access. Arkansas also faces the growing national problem of finding physicians to administer the drugs, as they are concerned about the ethics of the situation and about keeping their identities secret. Just yesterday a stay of execution was issued for Warren Hill in Georgia over issues of the lethal injection procedure.

McDaniel doesn’t believe that the courts would approve the use of an alternative method such as the electric chair, gas chamber, or firing squad, or that the majority of Arkansans would support those methods.

Looking forward, McDaniel pointed to the legislature and Arkansas’ Supreme Court as legitimate means for abolition stating, “It’s time for the policy makers of Arkansas to say, ‘Do we continue with a broken system and throwing money and resources at essentially pointless litigation, or do we modify the system?’ And there’s only really two modifications that I see available — it’s either abolish the death penalty or change the method of execution.”

While McDaniel is concerned about the system because of the difficulty in carrying out death sentences and not for issues of morality or unjust application, he recognizes the terrible consequences of the drawn out system on victim’s families. His remarks support a trend of leaders, including conservatives, concerned that the death penalty is beyond repair and leads to a waste of resources and less efficient state governments.

(Photo courtesy of Texarkana Gazette)

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Will the Supreme Court Spare Warren Hill?

Update (Wednesday, July 23): Georgia was unable to appeal the trial judge’s ruling on Friday to the Georgia Supreme Court because state lawyers did not receive the court reporter’s transcript from Thursday’s hearing on time. The state’s death warrant for Hill has now expired. The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to review Hill’s petition that he is intellectually disabled in September. However, legal maneuvers could result in a new execution date before the Supreme Court hearing.

Update (Thursday, July 18): Today a Georgia judge ruled that the state’s new law shielding the source of lethal injection drugs interferes with Warren Hill’s right to challenge the method of execution. His stay of execution (which was rescheduled to July 19) has been extended. The state plans to appeal this ruling.

Update (Monday, July 15): Warren Hill’s execution has been stayed for now. During a hearing today, Superior Court Judge Gail Tusan scheduled another hearing for this Thursday, July 18 to consider challenges raised by Hill’s lawyer about the new Georgia law that keeps the identities of the doctors who prescribe the lethal injection drug and the manufacturer of it a secret.

In February, minutes before he was to be executed, Georgia death row inmate Warren Lee Hill was granted a stay. The Eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that further review was needed of new affidavits by state mental health experts who changed their minds about Hill’s mental capacity.

Mr. Hill has an IQ of 70 and is considered intellectually disabled. According to the 2002 U. S. Supreme Court decision Atkins v. Virginia, people with intellectual disability are to be excluded from execution because of their reduced culpability. However, the Supreme Court left it up to the states to define and determine intellectual disability and Georgia has the strictest requirement in the country: one must prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

In 2000, three doctors testified on behalf of the state that Hill did not meet the criteria for mental retardation, as it was called at the time, and instead diagnosed him with borderline intellectual functioning. This past February, however, those same doctors released sworn affidavits affirming that Hill is intellectually disabled, thus concurring with all other doctors who have examined him. Although this would appear to prove his intellectual disability beyond a reasonable doubt, it doesn’t seem to be enough. On April 23, 2013, an Eleventh Circuit panel in a 2-1 vote denied Hill’s habeas petition, finding that he did not meet the standards of the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act and so they could not consider the new evidence of his intellectual disability.

In May, Hill’s attorneys filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus with the U.S. Supreme Court and they are scheduled to review his petition on September 30. Despite this, last week, Georgia set another execution date for Hill for this coming Monday, July 15, at 7:00 p.m. ET. Hill’s lawyers filed a motion for a stay of execution with the Eleventh Circuit and it was denied on Tuesday. Warren Hill’s life now depends on an intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court.

“All experts who have evaluated Warren Hill agree: he is mentally retarded,” said Brain Kammer, Hill’s attorney. “Mr. Hill’s execution would therefore be a grotesque miscarriage of justice and render the Eighth Amendment a mere paper tiger. This case presents the extraordinary circumstances where an individual who is ineligible for a capital sentence is about to be executed. Mr. Hill has no recourse left but to beg the nation’s highest court to intervene, and we trust and hope that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear his plea.”

Several individuals and organizations are speaking out against the execution of Warren Hill, including the family of the victim, President Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn Carter, the American Bar Association, and the American Civil Liberties Union. Two amicus briefs in support of Hill’s petition were also filed, including one from the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and another filed by law professors with expertise on habeas corpus. In addition, several jurors who sat on Hill’s original jury have also stated under oath that they believe that life without parole is the appropriate sentence in this case. It was not offered to them as an option at trial in 1991.

The Georgia Department of Corrections announced today that it will get pentobarbital from a compounding pharmacy for the execution, though it is unknown what doctor is writing the prescription for the drug and what pharmacy or pharmacist will mix it. This is because Georgia recently passed a law that makes the name of any person or entity who participates in an execution a “confidential state secret.”

For more information on this case, please read and distribute this recent opinion editorial that appeared in The Atlantic. Please also sign this petition to Georgia’s Governor and Attorney General.

Photo via

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Starvin’ For Justice

This past Saturday marked the 41st anniversary of Furman v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the imposition of the death penalty constituted cruel and unusual punishment and violated the Constitution. This case led to a de facto moratorium on capital punishment throughout the United States. Today marks the 37th anniversary of Gregg v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court voted 7 to 2 that capital punishment did not violate the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments under all circumstances, therefore reinstating the death penalty.

In remembrance of these critical decisions, supporters of death penalty repeal (including an active supporter of TADP) have gathered in front of the Supreme Court for the past few days in order to raise awareness about the continued injustices of the death penalty and to call for an end to this broken policy. The four day event called “Starvin’ For Justice,” is in its 20th year and nearly 90 people are participating. Some are on a liquid-only fast to demonstrate their opposition to the death penalty and support for repeal.

(Photo of demonstrators in front of Supreme Court via The Blog of Legal Times)

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Happy Freedom Day to Kirk Bloodsworth!

Today Kirk Noble Bloodsworth is celebrating 20 years of freedom. He was released from prison in 1993, becoming the first person in the U.S. who had spent time on death row and was freed because of DNA evidence.

Kirk was sentenced to death in Baltimore County, Maryland in 1985 for the rape and murder of nine year old Dawn Hamilton based on circumstantial evidence and faulty eyewitness testimony. The following year the Maryland Court of Appeals overturned his conviction, finding that the prosecution had illegally withheld exculpatory evidence from the the defense. Kirk was tried and convicted again and was sentenced to life in prison.

In 1992, Kirk read about DNA fingerprinting, and was able to get prosecutors to agree to use it to test evidence that had been collected at the crime scene. The tests proved Kirk’s innocence and identified the real perpetrator, Kimberly Shay Ruffner, who was serving a sentence for another rape. In December 1994, Maryland Governor William Donald Schaefer granted Kirk a full pardon and he received compensation. Both the DNA evidence that led to Kirk’s release and the compensation he received are rare. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, of the 142 death row exonerees in the U.S., DNA played a substantial factor in establishing innocence in only 18 cases.  The Innocence Project also reports that only 27 states compensate the wrongfully convicted, and the requirements, amount, and length of time it takes to receive compensation varies widely. 

Kirk now works as the Director of Advocacy for Witness to Innocence. He travels the country, sharing his story of wrongful conviction and advocates for repeal of the death penalty. He played a significant role in Maryland’s successful campaign to end the death penalty earlier this year. According to his biography on Witness to Innocence’s website, Kirk has also been an ardent supporter of the Innocence Protection Act (IPA) since its passage by Congress in February 2000. The IPA established the Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing Program, a program that helps states defray the costs of post-conviction DNA testing.

You can watch videos of Kirk’s powerful story here and here.

(Photo of Kirk on The Colbert Report on March 4, 2013 wearing his DNA tie. Via

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual appeal among men is the erectile disfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.