Archive for

February, 2006

It’s Not Our Place

I couldn’t say how many churches and religious groups I’ve spoken to since I arrived in Tennessee almost 6 months ago now, but it’s been a lot. One of the arguments that I continually make is that only God has the moral authority to kill. The death penalty makes us usurpers of God’s role as the sole arbiter of life and death*.

(I should make it clear here, in interest of full disclosure, that this is not an argument that I’ve come up with on my own, the United Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Unitarian Universalist, and any number of other churches have made it previously)

But last night, I had to be reminded of my own message. You see I was scheduled to speak at two churches in Clarksville last night, but during the afternoon I got a call from one informing me that a parishoner and minister from a nearby parish had died and that people would be attending his viewing, so that the talk would have to be rescheduled.

Later in the evening, when I arrived at the second church, I found that the man who had died was a parishoner there, and the vast majority of what would have been my audience was also attending the viewing.

Now I enjoyed the talk, nonetheless. We had a small audience but they were wonderful people who asked insightful questions and it was a pleasure to speak with them, but it’s good to remember that, as prepared as we can be, as organized and as well-planned, sometimes things happen and we simply can’t do anything about it. When we learn to accept that there are things we can’t control, our lives get more pleasant. So I’ll talk to fifteen people instead of fifty. There’s nothing I can do to change it. Just try to give the best talk that I can, regardless of whom I’m speaking to and. . . of course. . . make sure to follow up so those fifteen people tell their friends that, wow, that little jesuit dude was interesting, we should have him back to speak to the whole church! If we can turn the little setbacks into opportunities, then we can git ‘er done.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile disfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile malfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying soundness conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

Government Officials BEWARE. . . the TCASK Blog is Here

About 30 minutes ago, I was listening to the immortal Gloria Gaynor sing “I Will Survive,” and dancing around the office. And I don’t mean my personal office, I mean the whole building. You see, this is kind of a victory ritual for me, here in the TCASK office.

What was the cause for celebration today? Well, when I checked our web traffic today, I found that we had a visitor to the blog from the search engine metacrawler. And what led this person to the TCASK blog? Well they searched for “Al Schmutzer” and the second link that came up was the one below:

You see, D.A. Schmutzer had spoken at UT Knoxville a few weeks ago and claimed that the death penalty was not racially skewed in its application, but wait, our blog responded, of course it is.

On Monday of this week, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, speaking at Vanderbilt University, claimed that the death penalty functioned as a deterrent. You can read the TCASK response in the entry below this one. Now we at TCASK are all in favor of serious discussion about a complex issue, but our government officials owe us honesty, and they should not come onto college campuses, where we should be looking for truth and fact and make statements that all factual analyses prove to be erroneous. So never fear, seekers of truth and justice, the TCASK blog is here. We will not allow these sorts of comments to go unchallenged. Someone looking for information on Al Schmutzer has already found this out, and I hope that a search for John Ashcroft and Vanderbilt will yield us a result as well.

So you keep reading and we’ll keep holding our government accountable on the facts! Thanks to all.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Albeit the erectile disfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying heartiness conditions that can be highly dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

Who Do You Think You’re Fooling?

On Monday, former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft spoke at Vanderbilt as a part of Project Dialogue, which is focusing on the death penalty this year. Ashcroft, who as AG often over-ruled local prosecutors and ordered them to seek the federal death penalty.

In particular, Ashcroft spoke about the utility of capital punishment as a deterrent. Believe it or not, this former high-ranking government official said that the death penalty was a deterrent “if not statistically, than at least anecdotally” (emphasis added). Anecdotal evidence? Every legitimate study of the death penalty ever done has found absolutely no deterrent effect.

The deterrence of the death penalty has, to most reasonable minds, ceased to be a credible argument. The states without the death penalty have a generally lower murder rate than those which do execute people. We have not seen a spike in murders after a state abolishes the death penalty, nor have we ever seen a decrease in the murder rate after a state reinstated the death penalty or after it’s first execution. The only thing we have seen is an increase in violent crime after a highly publicized execution, often referred to as the brutalization effect.

Ashcroft also referred to the death penalty being “necessary” to protect other prisoners and guards from these individuals supposedly unable to stop killing. This is the newer argument about specific deterrence. In other words, if we kill person A, that person will not kill again. Of course, this argument falls apart a little, when you consider 1) that we have sentences like life without the possibility of parole (LWOP) which ensures that a convicted murderer will never be a danger to the public again and 2) that we have supermax prisons which practically ensure that a prisoner cannot hurt anyone. And all of this at a lower cost and without the risk of killing innocent people.

So really, who does Ashcroft think he’s kidding? Everyone who has studied the issue knows that the deterrent argument in regards to capital punishment doesn’t hold any water, so we’re forced to referring to “anecdotal” evidence. What, did someone come up to him and say, “Gee, I was going to kill this guy, but then I realized that I could get the death penalty if I did that, so I made him a cake and now we’re friends” ?

We should have a serious debate about the use of capital punishment as a public policy tool in America. We should acknowledge that people feel strongly about it. But let’s call a spade a spade, and let’s be honest about the facts. To do anything less, particularly on a college campus and as a former high-ranking government official, is to do a disservice to us all.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile disfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile disfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be very dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

no wonder the hat rack was invented!

not all non-profit “agencies” are equal and alike…

think about it – pick a non-profit like the heart association … it’s pretty clear that there’s a staff and it manages the day to day activities towards achieving annual and longer range organizational goals and there’s a board of directors and its pretty clear what their roles are … and there are pretty clear guidelines on who does what for the most part … or even what the relationship is between the board and the executive director

but what about teeny-tiny issue-based non-profits like a tcask?

i mean, it’s just not that easy because, well, in human resource terms we are so few and so are our fiscal and material resources …

and issue based non-profits, particularly in their youth, almost always have activist board members and here’s where the confusion can really creep in – transitional growth periods …

consider, in the early days an organization like tcask can be (was) an all volunteer organization … if the board (or in tcask’s case steering committee) members didn’t also do the work of the organization then, well, nothing would get done! job roles are irrelevant in that context – division of labor amongst board members is what matters …

but if you are fortunate enough to survive this lean period and hire staff then the role of board members should begin to narrow and if your staff grows to 2 and beyond the necessity to shift into more traditional roles becomes yet another survival imperative …

but is that easy??? heck no – just ask the american male who thirty years ago in his 40’s received the word from his wife that a joint checking account was an idea whose time had come!

change is hard … letting go of learned behaviors is hard … growth and success are, paradoxically to some, hard to manage…

where at one moment you may have been wearing carmen miranda’s fruit basket as a hat you may need to wear something more sensible, more focused, more traditional in order to get er’ done in a way that creates the most opportunity for success…

knowing not only what hats there are but when to wear each one and to what end is quite a challenge … but with an approach embracing flexibility and honest communication change can open doors to realizing the art of the impossible …

like abolishing the death penalty in tennessee …


Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual appeal among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as soul trouble. Albeit the erectile disfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be highly dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.


It’s an under-rated asset really, but to be effective we, as individuals and as an organization, need to be like this guy right here (Is that even possible or is it a trick photo?)

It’s far too easy for us to fall into our own pre-conceived notions about what needs to be done and how it needs to be done. And we tend to assume that everyone is on the same page, so we can all just slouch over in the same positions and not try to put our legs behind our heads.

Unfortunately, the world just doesn’t work that way, and sometimes we have to be able to change our posture. A great example of this came about a day ago here in the office when Randy and I sat down to discuss what or legislative work actually entails. You see, while we both want TCASK to pass legislation, but also believe that that is only likely to happen if we remain mainly focused on outreach and organizing, the term “mainly focused,” it turns out, is not as clearly defined as one might have thought.

Now this all came out of new ethics legislation recently passed by the Tennessee General Assembly, which requires lobbyists to register as such and pay a $100 fee and a $400 tax, and the question was, do I need to do that. Since I do technically get paid to lobby (albeit the $500 cost is about equal to three months of my “pay” as a Jesuit Volunteer) it looked bad. The question was would I be lobbying more than 10 days per session?

Now when I’d examined our position, our legislative partners, our goals in three years, I’d thought that I’d probably be spending easily that amount of time on the hill. Probably more, in fact. Randy had thought that “mainly focused on organizing” called for far less lobbying than that- maybe a few days during the session. So what was really needed?

Back to putting our collective leg behind our collective head. We had to talk about what our roles were, how much time we saw me spending wearing the “lobbyist” hat, how this affected work goals in other areas etc. Eventually I think we came up with an understanding that I’ll probably spend more time than Randy originally thought, but probably a little less than I thought, considering the other work that I have to do. But the lesson here was pretty clear for me:

1) Communicate. Even people who are working for the same goals don’t necessarily come from the same places and don’t have the same expectations.

2) Be flexible. With small staffs, we can’t do absolutely everything and your original expectation may not be feasible in light of everything else that is going on. So be ready to change those expectations. There are a lot of ways to achieve a goal.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong heartiness problem such as heart trouble. Albeit the erectile disfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

on a compelling mix of panel presenters, perhaps???

on february 1st, as part of black history month at mtsu in murfreesboro, tn, a panel on race and the death penalty presented to 53 students … we had 55 minutes total and i think it was an excellent blend of viewpoints and foci – perhaps there is something to be learned about setting up effective panels…

first, everyone out there in the blogosphere who has been put “dead” to sleep by a boring plenary (or panel) please raise your hand – alex can you count those hands please sir???

1, 2, 3, …5000, 5001, … 1,000,000, 1,ooo,001 … i think the point is made – a boring panel presentation that is well attended can do more harm to your organizing work than calling a sitting attorney general a blood sucking vampire ever will – believe it!

so here was the awesome mix…

professor margaret vandiver from the university of memphis presented on the history of the death penalty, it’s relationship to lynching, and its racist application, using newspaper headlines for example, to display the correlation between race and executions, particularly in former confederate states

barrister brad maclean, who is co-counsel for abu-ali abdur-rahman, explained the very important case of mccleskey v kemp…he did a nice job of relating it to the 2 1970’s cases that temporarily halted and later resumed executions in the united states and he closed with the poignant observation that executions (extrajudicial or otherwise) served the purpose in the u.s. of the social control of an enslaved, literally, population of people – very compelling

reverend henry blaze spoke from a faith perspective and intimately about community and then linking terror, a buzzword in the post 9/11 u.s., in the form of lynchings as well as racially biased use of the judicial system, inflicted upon the community of slaves and later people of color under jim crow to current dialogues and conversations regarding terror, terrorism, and injustice … tre cool…

finally, the tennessee dude did his organizer’s thing using the case of greg thompson to make his points and his case – very different stylistically from the other panelists …

in the end it was the variety of perspectives and the very specific niche, or path, laid out for each presenter that kept the audience’s interest and made for a compelling “read” as if 4 linked short stories were matched in a nicely bound and published volume …

so if you’re going to do a panel, make it strategic (in this case tied into black history month) and make it interesting like a 4 course dinner so that when the dessert comes out it doesn’t simply mimic the appetizer…

now go unpack your metaphors and get busy organizing!

peace out – <3

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual appeal among men is the erectile disfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile malfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile malfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying health conditions that can be so dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile disfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

But How Do You Do That!?

“We are trying to build political power,” Randy often says. “And you demonstrate power in two forms, money and people. We don’t have much of the former, so we have to build on the latter.”

So we can build our “people power” in two ways. Method 1: Recruit more people- this is the method that takes me to a different church every Wednesday and most Sundays and a lot of other days too. It’s pretty crazy, but we’re slowly increasing the number of people moving toward abolition. Method 2: Increase the skill set of the people that are already involved. Which brings me to last night.

I spent last night in Rutherford County conducting a lobby training. We’ve spent the last few months at TCASK developing a number of these trainings to increase the skills of our membership. We started with a weekend four hour public speaking workshop- that covers how to be an effective speaker, how to structure a presentation, in depth coverage of three crucial death penalty issues, making an ask, and handling tough questions. So far, we’ve been able to do that training in Nashville and MTSU and hope to schedule it in our other chapters in the coming months.

Our next training was the lobby training. We’ve started moving toward trainings that can happen on a weeknight, when our chapters normally meet anyway. So our lobby training is a two hour training which includes what lobbying is, Tennessee government 101, the universal rules of lobbying, and the structure of a lobby visit. Then we do a practical workshop to develop our new skills. We’re also just finishing up a strategic planning training, which will hopefully fit in the same time frame as the lobby training. We’ll go over the process of strategic planning, the key questions to ask, the difference between tactics and strategy, and how we access tactics. Then we’ll make a strategic plan for the chapter to follow over the next 6 months or a year.

(Above- Shari Silberstein of EJUSA– one of the best trainers around- gittin ‘er done)

The point is, that we want our members to be not only highly committed, intelligent, and active people, but also to be highly skilled in the art of political campaigns, and that’s what our trainings are about.

And there are a few things I’ve learned from helping to develop these trainings. The most important is, have people put what they’ve been learning into practice right there. So, in the end of the speaker’s training, participants give a 4-5 minute speech. The lobby trainees come and do a mock visit to a mock legislator. The people doing strategic planning literally make a strategic plan. So, you guys out there. Get together with your local group and lets figure out what training you could most use, and let’s schedule it. And if you still find yourself saying “Well, I can’t do that.” That means that you haven’t taken the TCASK training, or we should develop a new training to cover a new skill. And we will.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile malfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile malfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as soul trouble. Albeit the erectile malfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile malfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying soundness conditions that can be so dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

In Praise of Puddin’ Head

Hats off, gentlemen, she’s the greatest! Yes indeed, our board chair, Amy Staples (though lovingly referred to in the office as “Puddin’ Head”) is simply the best! She’s second from the right in the above picture.

On Friday night, the first annual Concert for Life took place at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Now this entire event was Amy’s brainchild, ever since she heard that we had a JV coming and he also plays the cello. She tracked down Catholic Charities Caring Choices an got them to co-sponsor the concert. She found donations of wine, cheese, and crackers. She found wine glasses. She made up programs. She found most of the acts. She recruited volunteers. She manned the door.

At the concert the awards were given out to the winners of TCASK’s first annual Catholic High School Essay Contest, another Puddin’ Head creation. Students from around the state wrote essays as to why Tennessee should abolish the death penalty. Amy came up with the idea, put together the packets of information, sent them out to schools all over the state, made follow-up phone calls, solicited celebrity judges, and kept the whole project on track. She even had t-shirts made up for the winners.

Wait, I forgot to mention that, on the side, Amy also teaches a heavy coarse load at MTSU and is in the process of publishing two books. Yeah, TCASK work is her hobby!

So this post is really just to let anyone who doesn’t know already that at TCASK we could never do the work we do without the help of a large number of very committed and talented people. As the chair of our board, Amy is a shining example, and I wish every state organization working for abolition a board chair half as talented and dedicated as she is.

Thank God for our Puddin’ Head.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile disfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile disfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying soundness conditions that can be highly dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile disfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

Nuts ‘n Bolts

Thank God it’s Friday! Not so much because there’s a weekend coming tomorrow (doesn’t everyone work on weekends?), but because Friday is the day that I, as an organizer really do love. You see, we’re probably not going to have a lot of events, meetings, or speaking engagements on Fridays, because most people are cleaning house and heading out for the weekend, which means Fridays are a great time, as an organizer, to do the really important work, the work that really gets results. That’s right, it’s a great time to do follow-up and record keeping.

Just for instance, this week had been, as those of you who’ve been keeping up with your TCASK blog reading know, a busy week. And in fact last week was too. We’ve had a huge event at UT Knoxville, Bill Babbitt in Nashville, and I had a very busy day on Thursday with meetings all over Carroll County and a speaking engagement just outside of Memphis. So, we have met a lot of people and (even more importantly) a lot of new people. I’d like to believe that we’ve changed some minds and moved some people to get involved. But even if I gave the greatest speech of all time on Wednesday, even if David and Bill moved 300 people to tears last week, if we don’t then harness the energy that we generated at those events and get people to take some concrete actions, then we really haven’t accomplished much. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, but it was a dream that is being brought closer to realization by individual people taking small and concrete steps every day. So on Fridays, when it’s time to clean house and clean up my desk, it’s time for me to make phone calls, send emails, and work on how to keep people involved and activated.

So I’ll be calling Knoxville to talk to our members who did such a great job setting up the Kaczynski and Babbitt program to talk about how we can bring the people that were moved by the speakers into the movement against the death penalty. I’ll be writing emails and sending thank you notes to the people that I met with on Wednesday to show appreciation for their time and to remind them of some of the steps that we’re going to take together. I’ll be following up on leads that our members have sent me and checking in with other members to see how they’re doing on our upcoming projects like write-a-thons and film screenings. Because it isn’t my standing up in front of church congregations, or Bill speaking to college auditoriums that is really going to bring an end to state-sanctioned murder. It’s you writing a letter to your state senator and talking to your co-worker. I’m just here to try to remind us all to keep doing that.

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual appeal among men is the erectile disfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as core trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile disfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying soundness conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile dysfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.

It’s Not Too Late

So it’s coming. . . . It’s only 10 hours away! No, not the Superbowl, keep your shirt on, that’s not for a few days yet. No, I’m talking about the TCASK Concert for Life! It’s at 7:30 tonight at the Cathedral of the Incarnation!

Now don’t be scared by a freaky black and white picture of me on the website. I don’t really look like that when I play (yes yours truly is playing tonight). But seriously, it should be a fun concert and benefits two good causes- that of abolition and Catholic Charities Caring Choices which provides aid in cases of unexpected emergency pregnancies- so we bring together two central aspects of the Catholic Church’s teaching of a consistent ethis of life. It’s nice to remind everyone that that ethic extends beyond the confines of the abortion debate.

In any case, thre are (shockingly) tickets still available, so you can call the TCASK office and reserve yours today. 463-0070.

See y’all tonight!

Fairly, there are numerous aspects you would like to think about medications. All discount medicaments save money, but few online drugstores offer better deals than other online drugstores. There isn’t anything you can’t order online anymore. Remedies like Deltasone ordinarily is used to treat diseases such as eye problems. Glucocorticoids naturally occurring steroids, which are easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. There are varied drugs for every conditions. Cialis is a remedy prescribed to treat many illnesses. What do you already know about long term side effects of cialis? What consumers talk about how long does it take for cialis to take effect? A general sexual complaint among men is the erectile dysfunction. Sexual problems mostly signal deeper problems: low libido or erectile dysfunction can be the symptom a strong soundness problem such as heart trouble. Albeit the erectile dysfunction itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, erectile dysfunction is sometimes one of the early warning symptoms of other underlying heartiness conditions that can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately nearly all over-the-counter medicines have sometimes dangerous aftereffects, from muscle aches to death. If you buy any erectile malfunction medicaments like Cialis, check with a physician that they are sure to take with your other drugs. Do not take unwanted medications. Take Cialis to your local chemist’s shop which will dispose of them for you.